Saturday, December 25, 2010

A Wonderful Christmas!

Davis has been an excellent boy this year. It's incredible how much he has grown over the past year. it's amazing to think that last Christmas he wasn't talking much. So much has changed since then. We can hardly get him to stop talking. That's okay though because we love to hear him and the fun things he says. Davis has had a wonderful Christmas season. This is the first year that we think he has really understood what was going on.

A couple of weeks ago when Mom was cleaning out the hall closet we found the book "The Elf On The Shelf". If you don't know about this book you most likely live under a rock. Anyway, the book comes with a toy elf. In the book it tells you about the Elf. He flies home to Santa every night to report on if you have been bad or good. Davis was not allowed to touch the elf but he can talk to him. Every morning the elf comes back and takes a new spot to sit in for the day. We must have gotten a lazy elf because he didn't seem to move everyday. Well, when I read the book to Davis and introduced him to the Elf Davis' eyes couldn't be wider and you could see the fear in his eyes. At the end of the book you are supposed to name your elf. We finished reading the book and I looked over at Davis with the terrified look in his eyes. He dug his head into the couch cushions. I asked him what he wanted to name his elf. He sat up and looked me dead in the eye and said "Radar". Wow, I was floored. What a smart little kid!

Over the month Davis would say one of 3 things that he wanted for Christmas if you were to ask him what he wanted Santa to bring. #1 an orange monster truck #2 and orange kitchen and #3 a Buzz Lightyear.Well, turns out that Santa had the most difficulty finding an orange monster truck. Santa easily fixed this problem with a can or orange spray paint.

Since Davis was so great, Santa gave Davis all of his wish gifts! Santa really thought Davis was a good kid because he was spoiled rotten. Here are some pics to prove he was a good kid all year round!

After Santa came to the Keddington's before the destruction

Davis with his kitchen Santa brought. He thinks it's orange, shhhh!


Playing with Buzz. Certainly puts Teddy Ruxpin to shame.

Can't have a kitchen without a blender, toaster, mixer mixer and food! Spoiled little booger. Good eating at our house! Davis can whip you up anything you like!

Annoyed Davis being asked to smile....again. Look at the loot behind him! Thanks for all of the lovely gifts! Davis loves all of his toys and has been playing with all of them non-stop!

That was a lot of work. Davis needed a rest and his parents to cheer him on to finish opening his last 3 presents.

Merry Christmas Everyone! We LOVE you!


Missy said...

What a fun Christmas you had! Santa also brought Belle a kitchen and spent 3 hours putting it together!

I'd never heard of Elf on the Shelf so I googled it...the Elf is kind of creepy looking. Does it scare Davis?

Cyncha said...

I saw Belle got a kitchen as well. Infact Belle's kitchen is the same brand and Davis'. I happen to know this because that was the kitchen I wanted but I didnt want pink. Clara Davis' girlfriend has the pink kitchen and its so adorable. That pink kitchen is the reason Davis wanted a kitchen so badly. Davis' kitchen also took a cool 3 hours to assemble. Totally worth it and I think its already gotten its moneys worth in playtime!

Cyncha said...

Oh, and yes the Elf scares Davis a little bit. All part of the charm. Im going to miss that little fella and what I was able to get Davis to do because of him watching. Good times!