Last Saturday was so amazing. When I got my itinerary for the UK from my work I was a little bummed that most of the places I was going to were small towns that I had never heard of. I wanted more than anything to go to Wales but it wasn't in the plans. Don't get me wrong, still very excited for this top secret mission.
My day started early catching a train from London to Bristol. The train went through Bath and it was like Utah as far as churches but with cathedrals on every corner. I had to hold myself back in my seat on the train because I wanted to hop off and explore. Not on the itinerary this time. We arrived in Bristol and I had to walk to the shopping center from the train station. As I was walking I saw down an old cobblestone road a cathedral. I love cathedrals so I couldn't pass up a peak. As I got closer I realized it was more or less the remains of a cathedral that had been turned into a park. It had been destroyed in WWI, such a pity. I was the only person around so I started to snoop. I found a sign telling me the cathedrals history and right next to it was a big black wooden door. I was in an alley way at that point, completely alone. I could see that there was a garden inside the remains and wanted to figure out how to get inside. I went to push on the black door and the most chilling, frightening feeling came over me. I didn't touch the doors,the energy they were putting out was enough to make me pull my hand back and walk away quickly. it was intense. There must have been some pretty freaky stuff that has gone on in that church over the centuries to put off that sort of negative energy. It still creeps me out just thinking about it. I have never had an experience like that in my life. My body just reacted without thought and walked away. Now I get people that claim to be afraid of antiques because of their energy of people from years past. Never believed in that stuff but now I do.
Later in the day I had to catch a train to my next destination. The people who set up my itinerary sent it out late and then revised the cities I was to visit only sending me a train schedule. I hopped on the next train that was absolutely packed and headed out. I got off the train and saw a big riot of sorts going on with police men on horses everywhere. Something was different and wrong. Was I in the right place? The police looked different than I had seen in London, the streets looked older and dirtier and the people seemed different as well. I was totally missing something. Then I saw it, a familiar flag. The flag I had seen all of my life. I walked over to a police woman to ask her my obviously stupid question(Im sure she is telling everyone she knows I asked it). I wanted to make sure I didn't come right out with my dumb question so I asked her first what the riot was all about. The "England Wales football match". She told me the rivalry was intense and usually ends in fights so the police were out in full force. Now on to my dumb question. Am I still in England? She looked me dead in the eye and said, you are in Wales and don't tell people you think its England, It won't go over well. She laughed it off with me. I was so happy, grin from ear to ear! I had to do my work but had an extra 3 hours to explore. I found an old cathedral and cemetary in the middle of the shopping center. Then off to the Cardiff Castle. Just from down the street it took my breath away. As I got closer I realized you could tour it. Sadly I was to late and they were closing it down for the day. I looked past the gate and saw this:
AMAZING right? I wanted to run past the guards and storm the castle. I wish I had been able to go in and explore. I have traveled all over Europe and had never seen anything like a castle on a hill inside a castle. I will make it back there some day. I have to get past the gate and guards.
All in all a wonderful day that I will always remember. Great start to my 2 week trip!